干 达英文

發音: 干 达 in English
  • :    trunk; main part
  • :    extend
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        :    trunk; main part
        :    extend
        :    Ⅰ動詞1.(暢通) extend 短語和例子 公路四通八達。 highways radiate in all directions. 這是開往上海的直達火車。 this is a through train to shanghai.2.(達到) reach; attain; amount to 短語和例子 不達目的, 決不罷休 refuse to give up before the aim is achieved; 欲速則不達。 the more you hurry, the less progress you are likely to make.; more haste, lessspeed. 據估計損失達三萬元以上。 the loss is estimated to reach upwards of 30,000 yuan . 這家鋼鐵廠的年產量達 50萬噸。 the annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500,000 tons.3.(通曉; 明白) understand thoroughly 短語和例子 通權達變 able to adapt oneslf to circumstances; 通情達理 be understanding and reasonable; be sensible4.(表達; 傳告) express; communicate 短語和例子 傳達命令 transmit an order; 詞不達意。 the words fail to convey the idea.Ⅱ形容詞(顯貴) eminent; distinguished 短語和例子 達官 ranking officialⅢ名詞(姓氏) a surname 短語和例子 達云 da yun
        :    干Ⅰ名詞1.(事物的主體或 重要部分) trunk; main part 短語和例子 枝干 branches and trunk; 軀干 trunk; torso2.(干部的簡稱) short for cadre 短語和例子 干群關系 relations between cadres and the masses; 高干 senior cadreⅡ動詞1.(做事) do; work; attend to 短語和例子 實干 do solid work; 埋頭苦干 quietly immerse oneself in hard work; 叫我干什么都行。 i'll do any job i may be assigned to. 你干得挺不錯。 you've done quite well.2.(擔任; 從事) hold the post of ;be engaged in 短語和例子 他干過隊長。 he used to be a team leader.3.(斗爭; 奮斗) fight; strike; struggle 短語和例子 干到底 fight to the bitter endⅢ形容詞1.(有能力的) able; capable 短語和例子 干將 a capable person; 真能干 really capable2.[方言] (事情變壞;糟) worse; bad
        不(干),别(干):    refrain / restrain
        使…(干),导致…(干):    lead...to
        阻止…(干),防止…(干):    prevent...from
        达 臣:    chris andersen
        达…之数:    the class numbered fifty in all
        赖安-达:    ryan day
        (干……)成功:    succeed in
        (干)浆机:    pulsheet
        被迫(干):    be obliged to ( v-to ); be reduced to ( v-ing )
        干 羽轴:    scapus
        干(坏事):    commitvt
        干…错事:    commit suicide
        茎, 干:    caudex
        躯干, 干:    truncus
        躯干,干:    trunci
        酥饼(干):    petticoat tails
        做,干:    do
        安 达 臣:    derek anderson
        柏 达 臣:    ruben patterson
        达 大 学:    university of florida
        达 恩 韦 治:    tan white


  1. "溉率分布函數"英文
  2. "溉率蜜度分布"英文
  3. "溉田"英文
  4. "干"英文
  5. "干 羽軸"英文
  6. "干 法復合"英文
  7. "干(壞事)"英文
  8. "干, 體, 柄"英文
  9. "干-濕并聯法"英文
  10. "干-濕濺射區"英文


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